How To Get Membership in GETWSODO
Step 1: Create a Free account by Clicking Here. (Note: Free account is useless if you do not make payment.)
Step 2: your email has to match the email you registered on both sites. ( and Gumroad). VERY IMPORTANT FOR ACTIVATION. After We Received your payment your account will be activated almost instantly or in less than 24h because of the time zone.
1. For Monthly Membership at 30$ Click Below
Monthly is recurring for cancel contact me
2. For Lifetime Membership at 120$ Click Below
Type 120$ then Send
3. For 3 Month Membership at 50$ Click Below
3 Months membership plan is recurring to cancel contact me
After Payment is done just email us at [email protected] to activate your account
Remember to take a screenshot of your payment and send me here [email protected]
Cryptocurrency Payment
Please read the instructions carefully. It will take just 60 seconds.
Please follow the instructions to get a membership.
Step 1: Read the instructions very carefully. If you miss anything, the membership will not be completed. (Note: The text in Red color is very important)
Step 2: Create a Free account by Clicking Here. (Note: Free account is useless if you do not make payment.)
Here is how to pay with Bitcoin.
For, Paypal Payment Contact Us at [email protected]
Step 1: Please send Bitcoin worth $30 for One Month Membership and $95 for a Lifetime membership to the following Bitcoin Wallet Address. Wallet Address: (Must make the screenshot of the transaction)
Here is Our Binance ID: 224979422
If you do not have Bitcoin, you can buy it easily using PayPal or Credit/Debit Card from,, or Step 2: After Sending the Bitcoin, click here and register a free account.
Step3: After Sending Bitcoin and registering a free account, email me at [email protected] and give me your username and email address you registered on-site and also the transaction ID or detail attach the screenshot of the transaction. Note, if you do not send this email its requirements, I can not activate your account.
Step4: Finally wait for your account activation. Once your bitcoin payment and email are received, I will activate your account. It can take maximum of 12 hours because of the time zone difference. Thanks.
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